Advantages of the steel houses’ constructive system

Advantage # 1 - Lightweight

The Edomus®_LSF construction system is one that provides you with an extremely lightweight housing. Due to the use of steel profiles and the removal of heavy concrete or ceramic exterior walls we have been able to minimize the system weight by 75% approximately. This directly affects the dimensioning of the foundation, which becomes simpler and less expensive.

Advantage # 2 - Strong

Steel is a very strong material, 20 to 30 times stronger than concrete, and resists equally well both tension and compression. Being a construction system based on the use of steel, a Edomus®_LSF building acquires a great mechanical strength.

Advantage # 3 - Fast

Using prefabricated o industrialized elements, later assembled on the construction site, our system is much faster than the traditional construction system, based on reinforced concrete or masonry walls. The lightness of the structural system also results in the higher speed of assembly, since the structures are safer and easier to handle. The system also allows the structure’s pre-assembly in the workshop, with its subsequent move to the place of work. This permits working without depending on the weather conditions, improving builders´ performance, and avoids delays in meeting the deadlines.

The use of steel as a resistive element instead of concrete also enables work during the periods in which the temperature falls below 0ºC, the days in which one cannot mix cement because the freezing water breaks the internal structure of concrete in the process of setting.

Advantage # 4 - Flexible and versatile

The great advantage of this system over all pre-industrialized building systems is undoubtedly its flexibility. Our system allows you to tailor it to any architectural design. Moreover, not only it suits any design, but supports any finish: rendering, veneer, ventilated façade, tiling, composite, etc.

Advantage # 5 - Recyclable

The materials used in our system are 100% recyclable: steel, timber and rock wool.
The system is also easily dismountable, which facilitates its reuse and recycling efforts.

Advantage # 6 - Durable

The Edomus®_LSF construction system represents no disadvantage with respect to any traditional construction system in terms of its durability. More than that, it also has a flexible high water vapor transmission sheet for façades’ waterproofing, which is an additional accessory not to be found in traditional construction systems, and which improves the overall system protection against the atmospheric inclemency, improving thus, the durability of the house.

Advantage # 7 - Sustainable

The recyclable material is used. All works are run in the workshop and in a dry way, so almost no waste is generated on site. The system can be disassembled at the end of its service life, and most of its components can be reused again.
Furthermore, the constructive assembly takes on a much higher degree of thermal insulation than the traditional systems. That helps to keep the energy consumption level, necessary for the maintenance of the optimum indoor climate in our house, to its minimum compared with the traditional construction system, which will save money for the future user as well as reduce the CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, and therefore improve the environment.

Advantage # 8 - Seismic

The Edomus®_LSF building and structural system is based on the construction by means of high strength constructive steel profiles. It consists of a big number of steel profiles, cold-rolled and fastened with bolts, which gives the set a high resistance to mechanical stress, both vertically (the direction of gravity) and horizontally or transversally (the main action vector of the earthquakes). This allows it to behave like a single piece, which can be deformed but hardly collapse, due to the unique use of steel as the only structural material. In addition, the system lightness also has a positive effect on its ability to withstand tremors.

Advantage # 9 - Economic

Besides all the advantages mentioned, the system is more economic than building with traditional systems, and also with the other heavy industrial systems, which require transport and heavy machinery for their assembly. Being a lightweight and fast has a direct impact on the costs of labor and logistics.

Advantage # 10 – “Turnkey”

Edomus®_LSF offers the tranquility and safety of an industrial product to its clients, by presenting a complete and closed “turnkey" budget proposal. We will handle everything, no nasty “surprises”!

Comparative Table of the Edomus®_LSF System with respect to the traditional construction system and to other industrial systems.

Traditional system
Other industrial systems
Edomus®_LSF System


Depends on a system


Depends on a system


Flexible and versatile


Depends on a system



Depends on a system



Depends on a system


Depends on a system